“Today’s message was indescribable! It shed a whole new light and meaning on what it means to be a significant other of a LEO.”
– LEO Spouse
“OMG, why could I have not had this class 15 years ago.”
– Patrol Officer
“Thank you again, I’m so excited to go home and start my first day of my new life!”
– Lieutenant
“...it was a good gut check for my entire team. We have some really great energy going right now and I look forward to trying to keep it going! I really appreciate what you do. Your message is strong and necessary nowadays.”
– Chief of Police
“Chief Williams’ program was extremely well delivered and well received. His knowledge of what our wardens do, and the equipment they use, clearly allowed our folks some clarity by showing that he knows and means what he says. I have no doubt that the positive effect his words have are saving officer’s careers, marriages and in some cases, lives.”
– State Game Warden
“I can never thank you enough for what you did for me. I will wear the blue bracelet until it breaks off. It’s the symbol of the day I came home. Thanks again, you saved my life. It’s def not a bunch of f*%kin bulls*%t. I’M F*%KING BACK!!!!!!”
– Sergeant
“It has been a great week. I am hearing only positive things from my officers and those from other agencies that have attended. I have said it every day this week that you are by far the best presenter on this subject matter; the only instructor who I have ever seen to be able to hold your entire audience through your complete presentation and then to watch them line up to shake your hand. This is extremely moving for me as a chief. I am usually watching every officer (student) evacuate a classroom or auditorium as soon as possible or even prior to the class ends. This is an extremely powerful testament to the information you present and how you as a presenter, presents it all. Again, thank you for the time this week.”
– Chief of Police
“I attended the Conference in Wisconsin where you were a speaker on the topic “Stress Management for the Contemporary Knight”. It was one of the best presentations I had ever seen in my 12 years of law enforcement. Thanks stay safe!”
– Police Officer, Wisconsin
“I wanted to write you a short note to let you know how things have been going since we had everyone listen to your training. I can sense a huge shift in attitude and job satisfaction. I do not say that lightly and have given it some time to slide back some before I wrote to you. Things are going well. I am seeing a different side of some of my people. Quite refreshing! Some have even said that they now know that we are not out to get them. Most are still even wearing the blue bands. I have mine on right now. We had a stabbing over the weekend that we thought was going to be a homicide. My guys worked together like I have never seen them before. It was great! Anyway, I just thought that I would give you a little feedback. Take care and be safe!”
– Chief of Police, Colorado
“Your name came up in our last Juvenile Officers Association meeting. The consensus among our members is that you are a superstar and continue to put on the "best trainings" that they get sent to. Our JOA is interested in getting you to present to our county. Let me know what your availability is. Thanks so much!”
– Social Services Director, Illinois
“This note is a follow up to your presentation at the International Association of Chiefs of Police Conference in Denver. First, thank you for a very informative presentation regarding organizational stress in law enforcement. I am from a police service in western Canada, and certainly the information you provided is applicable in our part of the world as well. Regards,”
– Superintendent of Police, Canada
“I attended you class on Thursday and Friday of this past week and I got to tell you I feel like a changed man. I was finally able to find answers for questions I've had since I've become a cop and it feels good, I woke up a lot more confident and not dreading Monday morning. I shared what I learned in class with my girlfriend that night and she wanted to get involved with the 4 hour class you had mentioned for spouses and officers. Again thank you for everything Chief Williams it makes everything a lot easier knowing there's a person like you a phone call away.”
– Sergeant, Illinois
“I attended the executive Training Institute Conference in St. Cloud, MN. Your presentation, Leadership for reducing organizational stress in law enforcement, really identified with many of the issues I see in our department. I found the presentation very informational and captivating.”
– Captain, Minnesota
“I was ever so impressed with your class at the Embassy Suites this past weekend. I heard so very many positive things from everyone in attendance. Several of my Board members who were in attendance agreed that we NEED to get you here to do the class for street patrol officers and the “best backup” class to go along with it, and also the cross-generational management course. Thanks so much for making our annual Executive Development a success!”
– Regional Director of State Training, Illinois
“As I mentioned to you at the end of your presentation, it was the best that I have ever heard at any conference in recent years - chiefs, sheriffs, lawyers, and law enforcement training. Your commitment to this effort is commendable, and your passion was continually evident. You have gone deeper into the analysis of the police culture, and organization cultures generally, than anyone I have heard in a law enforcement environment Thanks again for your presentation and the massive number of hours that you have devoted to analysis, spreading the word, and interacting one-on-one with other noble warriors in need.”
– Executive Director of Law Research Center, Iowa
“Williams is a fantastic speaker and he believes in the material he presents, as a result he captivates his audience. This seminar is eye-opening and very useful in today’s changing police society.”
– Lieutenant, Illinois
“I was at your presentation at the IACP in Denver and thought you did a super job. You mention several initiatives (one being an Officer of the Month) that police chiefs can do with little or no budgetary concerns. If you could email that I certainly would appreciate it. Also if you are ever in the New England region, I would possibly be interested in getting a regional training day or two regarding reducing organization stress. Thanks in advance.”
– Chief of Police, Connecticut
“This is the second time I attended a Breach Point Seminar. The first time it saved my marriage. I only hope I can save one officer’s career.”
– Sergeant of Sheriff’s Department, Illinois
“I attended your class at the KSJOA conference in Kansas and thought it was fantastic and something we could use here at my Agency. I am wanting to present it to the Sheriff to convince him that not only could the rank and file benefit from this but our staff could benefit also.”
– Sheriff’s Deputy, Kansas
“I’m feeling compelled to write to you and share that I think attending your class could not have come at a better time for me in my career and personal development. I was truly inspired and felt like some wind hit my sails by listening to what you had to say. Take care, and thanks again. We’re blessed to have someone like you in our industry.”
– Deputy Chief of Police, Illinois
“Thank you so much for your OUTSTANDING presentation yesterday! You clearly hit it out of the park with my folks. They tend to “wander” during almost any presentation, but you had their butts glued to their seats ALL DAY! Your material was spot-on and exactly what I was looking for to help them reinvigorate and grow as a leader. I’ve had nothing but glowing compliments from my Chiefs. Thanks for making me look like a genius for bringing you in!”
– Chief of Police (Ret.) Executive Director, Chiefs Of Police Association